Saturday, March 14, 2015

Ideals Breakfast Menu for Healthy Lifestyle

Hello Readers, have you get breakfast already? Just try to start a day with breakfast then. You know breakfast is important for keeping your body healthy. For short-term effects, its going to stabilize your day. With a proper-fullfilled stomach (its not about very full) you'll certainly starting a days with fun. Could you imagine, how its your day if its started with a stomachache from a level of hungry?

Readers, natural beauty comes from a healthy body. Tips for maintaining Healthy Lifestyle already posted in a previous article. So, let us discuss in more detail on the diet, especially breakfast.

Here are some of the menu that I think its good enough to supporting your health care;

1. Banana

Bananas are strongly encouraged to become a full breakfast menu for you. Soft texture and sweet taste which contains much enough carbohydrates are going to makes your stomach feel fully filled longer. In addition, it contains potassium which will great benefit as lowering your blood pressure naturally.

2. Egg

Either suitable to be consumed at breakfast. Just like what bananas does, eggs are rich in protein and vitamin D. As we know that protein are processed longer than carbohydrates inside our stomach, so you either going to felt the full effect will much longer.

3. Watermelon

As watermelons is a fruit that consist of more than a half of water content, watermelon suitable to be consumed in the morning. It is because watermelon are suitable to helping your body re-hidrating process. In addition, watermelon is rich in lycopene. Lycopene is very much useful to nourish eyes and heart, either preventing you from cancer.

4. Strawberry

This fruit can be another alternative for breakfast in the morning menu. Strawberries contains antioxidants, vitamin C, folic acid and a numbers of fibers. Strawberries also plays an important role to improve your heart healthy.

5. Melon

The water contained in the melon are more than 90% from it, so it is able to meet the needs of the body fluids in the morning. Melon also contains vitamins A and C to supply your body's fluids requirements. So, think about serviing melon in your breakfast menu does not a bad choice isn't it?

At last but not least Readers, mostly items here are fruits. Its depends on my research about this topic. Soon as I found another items to add, I'll update this article quickly. So just feel free to subscribe to this web, by following my G+ Account on this right side. Also contact me as soon as possible for further information.

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